in 😂 Humor
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Extra Evil

About the Substack

The wasteland's best satire. Dennard Dayle's incriminating newsletter, featuring humor too hot for sane outlets. A vassal state of SeeMoreEvil.com and mandatory reading in 49 states.

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  • Weekly jokes and project updates.

Paid Subcription Benefits

  • Subscriber-only "Expensive Evil" articles. Fancy.
  • Support immature pranks.
  • Telepathy.

Paid Subscription Plans

  • $30 a year
  • $5 a month

About Dennard Dayle

"Local prankster," per NBC. Wrote “Everything Abridged,” a book you should try. Generates mirth on SeeMoreEvil.com and public property. Seen in New Yorker, 1900HOTDOG, Clarkesworld, police reports. Resembles suspect.

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