A newsletter about climate, degrowth, systemic change, and what we can do to keep our only home habitable.
Erin is a freelance writer for Illuminem and co-creator of (re)biz. She devotes her days to learning and sharing information on climate change, degrowth, planetary boundaries, MMT and more. Erin lives north of Sydney, Australia with her family.
Exploring how degrowth can help us solve our climate change and environmental challenges.
Would you like to join the best book club that focuses on reading books about climate change? We read one book a month and then meet up to discuss it over zoom.
Finding Sanity is a newsletter about making sense of the world we live in and imagining the world we want to create.
Writing that zooms out. New Means discusses politics in the broadest possible ways, from our neighborhoods to our workplaces to our religious lives to organizing to the ways we collectively think.