Chrysalis Season

About the Substack

Missives from the ooey gooey in-between

Free Subscription Benefits

  • Sporadic public posts (probably monthly but who can say!)

Paid Subcription Benefits

  • New and full moon journal prompts, twice a month
  • Sneak peaks of new writing
  • Early access to new workshops and events

Paid Subscription Plans

  • $50 a year
  • $5 a month

About Emily Long

queer writer, taurus, big feeler
IG: @emdashemi

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Chrysalis Season's recommended Substacks

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Ok, Todi

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Things That Don't Suck

One poet's quest to uncover what shifts when we shift our attention

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Carefree Black Girl

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Gentle Company

thoughts on softness & the communal ache that binds us all together.

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Shohreh Davoodi

The Queer Agenda

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