Gospel wisdom for aging, caregiving, and planning for the future
Elizabeth Reynolds Turnage, author, gospel, life and legacy coach, and speaker (www.elizabethturnage.com).
Life in the country and other good things - from baking to books, home to Homer, and everything in between!
I'm Lauri A. Hogle, PhD, founder of Singing Christโs Hope, a nonprofit ministry. Christian sister, do you have chronic illness and pain? Me too, for 30+ years. Here are music therapy-inspired worship songs, Scripture, prayer, and love.
Helping weary caregivers see how Jesus is caring for them.
Now you see Him; now you don't. God allows glimpses of Himself in mundane days. Here's a peek at God speaking to me, not adding to the Bible, but offering perspectives of its truth intersecting with every-day-life.