Stories, inspiration, and nudges to come home to your truest self, get curious, and get unapologetically alive in your life.
Because it is time to turn the walls of expectations and what-ifs into doors of possibility, hope, and contentment.
I’m Elena! I'm on a mission to nudge you to come home to your truest self, so that you can inhabit your joy and thrive in your life.
Join me for purposeful nudges to get rooted, be curious, and step into your aliveness – one day at a time.
Rest, nature, trusting the liminal 💫 Inspiration and poetry from author and teacher Tracee Stanley.
A writing space with Jacki Carr sharing stories, haiku and journal prompts that make you feel then think.
An ongoing series by artist and writer Morgan Harper Nichols exploring journaling, notebook keeping, and the various designated spaces we create and keep for thinking and discovery, reflection and imagination.