Notes, reflections and struggles from a the desk of a visual storyteller Ehud Neuhaus
Ehud Neuhaus is an autodidact who has been working as a web designer and developer, animator, graphic designer and VJ amongst other things. These days he draws and illustrates, writes, contemplates and teaches yoga.
Hi I'm Naomi! I've been spilling ink and oversharing since 1981, and illustrating since 2003. I will be sharing my tales here...
Hi, itโs me Helen Stephens. This is a juicy chat between illustrator pals. Iโll be sharing stuff about making picture books that you might feel daft asking. When you sign up youโll get the Illustrators Freebies. Yes-please-thank-you!
Comics, animations, essays, and other things from Roman Muradov, artist/author of moderate renown. Free monthly newsletter, and a paywalled mid-month issue with wilder stuff.
Insights into my illustration from a messy desk to your inbox: sketchbooks, process, inspiration and picture books.