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Technology Excellence and Leadership

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My Professional Leadership Substack for Technology Leaders

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About Dr Mehmet Yildiz

I'm a scientist/executive technology consultant (42 years of content development/marketing experience). As an author/chief editor of ILLUMINATION on Medium/Substack, I lead a writers' community. I own 3 newsletters: writing, health, & technology

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Content Marketing Strategy Insights

The purpose of this newsletter is to inform, inspire, and update freelance writers. I am the founder of the ILLUMINATION publications on Medium & Substack, a writer & book author Contact: https://digitalmehmet.com Medium ID: https://medium.com/@dr-mehmet

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Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Health and Wellness by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

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Aiden MC

Technology, Gaming, Movies, and Social Media

This newsletter is to inform and inspire my readers.