A queer coming of age story about growing up, fixing things you've broken, and accepting things that you can't fix. It's explicit, 18+, and not for the faint of heart.
Storyteller. Writer. Dad. Poet. Connector. Queer. Wizard. Outlier.
Factually ecstatic and bonkersly grateful that we get to do this whole being alive thing together. That's true, I'm talking to you.
Qstack ❤️🍊💛💚💙💜 | The LGBTQIA+ Directory, Community & Platform on Substack - SUBSCRIBE for bi-monthly updates of queer links, interviews, and stories.
Inclusive travel inspiration delivered to your inbox weekly by a neurodivergent LGBTQ+ travel writer
Exploring the Inter-dimultitudes through stories. What really connects me with you, from very old to new.
A show case for my work, I stream fiction before it goes to print, publish essays & interviews, and champion indie lit fiction by increasing visibility, challenging stigma, and proving quality.