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Deep diving on subjects that has come to form our everyday life but is actually lie. Like the virus lie...

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Cover the fraud of virology.

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Val’s Substack logo
Val Zimmer

Val’s Substack

Countering the misinformation from scientists and virologists. Vaccines, viruses and bacteria are not what we've been told.

Agent131711’s Substack logo

Agent131711’s Substack

I'm a researcher. Come explore uncomfortable Truths in a lighthearted way that makes them easier to digest (and sometimes even hilarious). I publish special deep dives for paid subs on the 1st and 15th, everything else is free.

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Proton Magic & Co. logo
Proton Magic

Proton Magic & Co.

Life during Agenda 2030

The Virology Controls Studies Project logo
Jamie Andrews

The Virology Controls Studies Project

All content will be free to access but any donations/paid subscriptions very much appreciated to keep me writing

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Aldhissla’s Substack logo

Aldhissla’s Substack

Germ theory skepticism.