Musings on advertising, capitalism, humanity and the robots who know everything about you (from someone who used to live inside the machine).
Emmy award winning writer and Creative Director who built a successful career in media and advertising through gut, intuition and addiction to approval.
A critical review of the beauty industry prioritizing people, not products.
CRAFT TALK is a weekly newsletter about writing, creativity and productivity from author Jami Attenberg. This is also the home of #1000wordsofsummer, where, once a year, we write 1000 words a day together for two weeks straight. (In 2024 it begins 6/1!)
An award-deserving newsletter that mixes writing advice, unsolicited advice, therapy, tragedy, comedy, and maybe more (sex tips?).
A newsletter that's pro-Big-Life-Changes. Creating a new life after 50, after marriage, after kids, after publishing, and after moving 11,000 times. So sick of learning and growing I could barf. Making you think, laugh, and feel. Sorry.