Thoughts about Macro, Markets and Option trading strategies
Global Macro ex-hedge fund manager and investor. Conduct deep macroeconomic study to identify mispriced markets across asset classes, then identify options trading strategies with asymmetric upside vs. downside.
The number of free subscribers for Macro Musings by Danny D over time since it was added to the directory.
Exploring the world of macro through a practical and philosophical lens. The posts scan current macro narratives and aim to help educate readers on various subjects in a simple-to-read style.
#Samanthas-Market-Thoughts highlight the most important market-moving themes of the day - from macro to quant, intermarket to technical. Get the trade before it happens.
A newsletter that searches for the truth in financial markets and understands how narratives can help shape investment decisions.
KAOBOY MUSINGS and its associated podcast KAOS THEORY focus on the intersection of Financial Markets, Macroeconomics and Geopolitics. I've spent 30+ years as a trader/hedge fund manager and now manage money for my family office across many asset classes.