A newsletter by a smartass, middle-of-the-pack political reporter, about (1) how the news works and (2) gender politics (especially mmmmmMASCULINITY). And then (3) every so often I just write something to amuse myself.
Covering politics for NPR. Sometimes reviewing books. RTs sung to Camptown Ladies.
Want me to write for your publication? I don't blame you. Respond to one of my newsletters or comment on a post and we'll get cracking.
Essays and conversations on books, culture, craft, language, and all sorts of madness. With a feminist writing group for founding subscribers.
A newsletter about movies, tv, the celebrity industrial complex, and personal pop culture obsessions. Delivered twice a week to your inbox, written by Hunter Harris.
A critical review of the beauty industry prioritizing people, not products.
Advice and wisdom from Heather Havrilesky, published since 2012 (formerly at The Awl and NY Magazine). Paid subscribers receive 1-2 weekly posts on how to navigate our broken world with compassion, realism, and an open heart.