A newsletter by a smartass, middle-of-the-pack political reporter, about (1) how the news works and (2) gender politics (especially mmmmmMASCULINITY). And then (3) every so often I just write something to amuse myself.
Covering politics for NPR. Sometimes reviewing books. RTs sung to Camptown Ladies.
Want me to write for your publication? I don't blame you. Respond to one of my newsletters or comment on a post and we'll get cracking.
Essays and conversations on books, culture, craft, language, and all sorts of madness. With a feminist writing group for founding subscribers.
A newsletter about movies, tv, the celebrity industrial complex, and personal pop culture obsessions. Delivered twice a week to your inbox, written by Hunter Harris.
The world's first Beauty publication! (Everything else is just about appearance.)
Advice and wisdom from Heather Havrilesky, published since 2012 (formerly at The Awl and NY Magazine). Paid subscribers receive 1-2 weekly posts on how to navigate our broken world with compassion, realism, and an open heart.