Analysis and criticism of the antiliberal right, social-justice progressivism, and cultural topics
Senior Lecturer in Dept of Pol Sci @ Penn. "Notes from the Middleground" at Substack; "Beg to Differ" pod @ The Bulwark; Senior Fellow, Niskanen Center; author of "The Theocons" & "The Religious Test"; former columnist w The Week
A Niskanen Center journal linking ideas, and people, in pursuit of an America where competitive markets and an effective state advance the common good.
Welcome to the Ideas Letter, where heterodox ideas come alive. A project of the Open Society Foundations, The Ideas Letter is published fortnightly.
Donald Trump once called me "one of the dumber and least respected of the political pundits." So I got that going for me. I write about politics -- mostly -- with humor, transparency and authenticity. 2-3 posts a day.