Sharing my challenges and learnings from the earthly experience.
I’m one teeny, tiny expression of infinite universal energy trying to fully experience and share the GoodStuff2Know I’ve learned in this current earthly manifestation. What was I thinking?! 🤣
The Kingston Report is an evidence-based, med-legal analysis of mRNA technologies, vaccine, and the dangers of the rapidly growing synthetic biology industry.
Start up voluntaryist public policy organization exposing the illegitimacy and criminality of the "government", media & academia
Mom of 6 grown kids: 2 tech executives, 2 musicians, 2 psychologists. 10 grandchildren. Writer, Musician, seamstress for the band. Married to a genius. Born Berkeley, CA. Thousands of readers.
Politics, Trump's war, his battle for USA, the good bad & ugly; fake COVID-19: natural immunity; innate immunity; vaccines; no vaccines for children; early treatment; lockdowns; taking back freedoms liberties