Late Night Morning Show evoking questions for your Smartbrain™ to ponder: ease into the day... 20, 30 minutes tops. A lot of writing, too.
Traveler, tradesman; Guardian of my skull. Evoking questions for your Smartbrain™
to ponder. I have no social media accounts. If MySpace ever sends my email confirmation link, I'll be sure to let you know.
WELCOME! As a member of The Pendragons, I’ve met and performed magic for audiences worldwide, including famous personalities. I will be writing about my magical journey and talking about those beautiful experiences (and not-so-beautiful) on my podcast.
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INDEPENDENT BLACK MEDIA: Deconstructing Corporate Propaganda, Western Hegemony, Geopolitics, Multipolarity, Capitalism, Imperialism & Global South Rising w/ award-winning journalists, authors, politicians, activists, professors, experts & labor organizers