The Beyond the Scoreboard Newsletter

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Inspiring, educating, and empowering coaches and youth sports parents to transform their impact on their athletes

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About Beyond the Scoreboard

The Beyond the Scoreboard Newsletter is a weekly publication that includes a tip, quote, and clip from our podcast episode of the week to inspire, educate, and empower coaches and youth sports parents to amplify their impact on their athletes.

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Kirstenโ€™s Substack - Raising Empowered Athletes logo
Kirsten Jones

Kirstenโ€™s Substack - Raising Empowered Athletes

Kirsten Jones, Peak Performance & Sports Parenting Coach, is a co-host of the #RaisingAthletes Podcast. Her first parenting book, Raising Empowered Athletes is out now. Sign up & receive parenting tips and updates on the book, podcast and speaking events.