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Climate Psyched

by The Climate Psychologists
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Climate Psyched

About the Substack

For everyone who feels psyched out about dealing with the climate crisis. Here you can read about climate psychology, climate emotions, building resilience, large-scale behavior change and how to start feeling psyched up about the climate transition.

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  • Monthly posts on all things related to climate psychology

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  • Support my work in researching and writing Climate Psyched regularly, and help this work improve and expand
  • One additional post per month, that explores new research or releveant climate psychology concept

Paid Subscription Plans

  • $50 a year
  • $5 a month

About The Climate Psychologists

Lic. psychologists and specialist psychologists, focusing on climate psychology, climate anxiety and how to create large-scale sustainable change.

We are:
Frida Hylander
Kata Nylén
Kali Andersson
Paula Richter

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