China in the 21st century; cultural, social, economic and political perceptions.
articles | essays | news | backgrounds | perspectives | context
Writing and research about China; cultural, social and geopolitical perceptions | Beijing, PR China
Robert Wu's practical guide to China and weekly review of events with long-term impact
Covering the priorities of both the leadership and the general public in China and views you do not normally see from mainstream English-language media
China in de 21ste eeuw; culturele, sociale, economische and politieke beschouwingen artikelen | essays | nieuws | achtergronden | perspectieven | context
Reporting back from the frontlines of experience in China, moving beyond summaries of headlines to explore the undercurrents shaping public discourse.
For a global future that respects the UN norm that peace shall be established by peaceful means. Research-based public education and policy proposals continuously since 1986