in 😂 Humor

(((LIFE UPDATES))) Chasey

About the Substack

It's a NEWsLETTER Cap'n, But not as ye know it!☠️aRrGrGGGhhh!☠️ @chaseylifeupdates

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  • Anything NOT (too) incriminating LOL

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  • Everything!! Raw, Warts & ALL (this shit will get me in trouble!) x
  • Chat with me in comments (an invitation to my DM life!)
  • (((Giveaways & Freebies))) YaY! 0_o xx

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  • £80 a year
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CHASEY'S (((LIFE UPDATES))) Est. August 2024. I am starting out on a fresh path but still wearing the same shoes...x Thank you for subscribing.

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