For modern men w/ heart of chivalric knights of old.
Spiritually disciplined men.
Prepared for battle; happy to make peace.
"Dearest Lord, teach me to labor, and not to ask for reward, except that knowing that I am doing Your Will" (St Ignatius Loyola)
Catholic. Father. Writer on traditional Catholic values and knighthood, science and history, miracles, and various other topics.
Traditional Catholic writings, reflections, meditations, devotions, and prayers from faithful Catholic sources.
Behavior Analysis from a Catholic perspective. Catholicism from a Behavior Analytic perspective.
I write about the best of the West on masculinity, morality and marriage to help traditional men lead their families with authority | 7 kids, 700lb deadlift | Fired for patriarchy lecture
There is need for a crusade of manliness and purity to counteract and undo the savage work of those who think that man is a beast. And that crusade is a matter for you.