Rooted & Rested

About the Substack

Your cozy corner on the internet to move from rushed to rested. Find nuanced views, stories, and practices to return to what nourishes YOU! πŸ’› Occasional slow travel adventures sprinkled in.

Free Subscription Benefits

  • Occasional public posts on wellbeing, rituals, herstory, culture and what shapes us.

Paid Subcription Benefits

  • Proceeds are donated to an NPO facilitating co-education of children of minority groups
  • Discounted access to my wellbeing workshops & resting circles + free handbooks
  • Subscriber-only Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl sound baths

About Carmen Luisa

Ex-burnt-out Startup Founder turned Business Coach & Women’s Mentor: friend of big dreams & tiny ideas. Creative mind & old soul cherishing the lost art of rest, rituals + nurturing rhythms in business & life. Left London city for the Alps πŸ”οΈ

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