Short stories, serialized tales and other snapshots from the places where magic meets the mundane. Home of the fantasy worlds of the Moon Road and Sorrows Hill. New fiction and commentary every Friday, plus a bonus short story just for subscribing.
Writer, aspiring illustrator and award winning author of dark speculative fictions. Survivor of many years teaching college lit/comp and creative writing.
Struggling to find time for your side hustle on top of everything else? #jesspicks can help! Get weekly inspo, tips & resources in under 5 min.
On writing and life. Long-form musings on the nature of creativity and the essence of everything. Some poems, too.
Ancient Origins seeks to uncover what we believe is one of the most important pieces of knowledge we can acquire as human beings: Our beginnings
New writing from the award-winning author and psychologist. A gathering place for lovers of myth, fairy tales and depth psychology, exploring the mysteries of the psyche and reimagining women's stories.