Living sanely: Music, Doubt, Faith, Science
rejecting certainty : separating ‘Day’ from ‘Night’.
Challenging pseudoscience, tyranny, apathy.
Please consider donating to my ko-fi account. https//:ko-fi/timthagoras
The Two Colour Guy / Music stuff / Media Admin for Mike Yeadon / Bolshy bugger / ko-fi
Society is broken. It’s time for a Great Reset. But, now… it’s on our terms. News and updates from the UCT
Lifer in pharmaceutical R&D in big pharma as well as biotech. A biology PhD. Fighting medical tyranny. I’ve been speaking out pro bono since spring 2020. Please see also my Telegram Account
Collecting freedom of information responses about imaginary "viruses"
Uncovering Fraud in Pharmaceutical R&D and Manufacturing. By popular demand, I will include my art pieces that have nothing to do with Pharma. If you are interested in my art, visit
Unmasking totalitarianism and awakening the sleeping before tyranny triumphs by examining media narratives, propaganda, psychology, framing, philosophy, history, politics, language, literature, film, music, culture, and health with a focus on COVID.