I am a husband to Danielle, dad to Flora and Townes, and best buddy to Luna๐ฆฎ. I am also an Anglican serving students in Austin, TX.
The enthusiasms, musings, and observations of James K.A. Smith. Mostly books, music, and film. Expect no punditry here. Look elsewhere for outrage.
Comment from Andrew McGowan of Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, mostly on the Revised Common Lectionary.
Theology is more like poetry than geometry. Theology is "vile for the sake of the gospel" (so says my friend, John Wesley). Aspiring to a vile poetics.
The Substack page of Addison Hodges Hart. A page primarily - but not exclusively - focused on the interior life and ascetical theology of the Christian Tradition.
I write about theology and the moral life, which includes reflections on Scripture, the body, honor and reputation, the imagination, technology, and much more.