Beáta’s Substack

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Beáta’s Substack's recommended Substacks

Kiwiwriter47’s Substack logo

Kiwiwriter47’s Substack

A Substack of subjects of interest to me...history, politics, writing, family, Asperger's, weird stuff, animals, and humor. For folks to enjoy. Angry trolls can go elsewhere.

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Jaime Hoerricks, PhD

The AutSide

Autism research, opinion, and news from an autistic point of view.

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Kate McKean

Agents and Books

The FAQ on how to find an agent and how to write books, all in one place.

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Break the Silence logo
Michele Simon, JD, MPH

Break the Silence

I call out BS as I see it, especially in the "food tech" arena. Also about how employers try to silence their workers in myriad ways, especially in vegan advocacy organizations, food start-ups, and established companies.

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Counter Craft logo
Lincoln Michel

Counter Craft

fiction craft, publishing demystification, weird books

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