Arlene’s Newsletter

About the Substack

I am a targeted indvidual, a guinnea pig, for 10+ years, burned by DEWs, hgassed to suffocation with nanotech, gangstalked by psychopaths and surveilled 24/7. My neighbour's children are probably the cruellest of all gangstalkers I've encountered.

About TreeTomato

Stalked by hideous, cruel people, every second, every day. They surveil, hack, eavesdrop, manipulate, lie, cheat, steal and harm. They burn with EMF and gas with nanotech. They should hang. The perps blinded me, so pardon typos.

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Fiona Mehta

Fiona Mehta's Substack - Fiona Mehta not F.Mehta

A chance to highlight the plight of Targeted Individuals, TI. Labelled as delusional or worse! View is everyone delusional? You Decide

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Carnicom Institute

Carnicom Institute Substack

Carnicom Institute is a non-profit organization working solely for the benefit of humanity. Our goal is to provide the public with beneficial and responsible information through scientific, educational, environmental, and health research.

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