Writing, Videos and the Archetypal Tarot Podcast with Cyndera Quackenbush. Descriptions and Interpretations of the Story Through Stone Reflection Cards revealed!
Cyndera is the creator of Story Through Stone Cards and Reading method. She has been a host of The Archetypal Tarot Podcast for over a decade and contributes her writing to publications both online and in print. Find out more at storythroughstone.org
Witchcraft, tarot, mythology, ecology, embodiment, belonging, animism, and enchantment for art witches with ADHD.
Storyteller Priscilla Howe muses, rambles and comments on the art and practice of storytelling--the old fashioned way, out loud with an audience. She'll tell a few stories. Guest interviews will be forthcoming, too.
Decoding the upside of your downside: consciously using your resilience
Welcome to the Library, a newsletter and podcast guiding you through the wonders and terrors of literature, history and magic
Seeding the Spirit with alchemical tools for soul individuation, integration, and consciousness expansion ~ regaining wholeness through creative expression, elemental energy channeling, and synergistic relationships as multidimensional beings.