Aprende con Danio (Science for all)
About the Substack
Stories, animals, children, science- all mixed together.
Cuentos, animales, niñ@s, ciencia. Mezclaito con gracia.
Free Subscription Benefits
- Science stories you can find around you on Tuesdays. Historias de ciencia cotidiana los martes
Paid Subcription Benefits
- Sunday science. Exciting science topics to inspire parents, teachers or those who never stopped being children.
- Ciencia de domingo. Temas científicos apasionantes para inspirar a padres, profesores o gente curiosa
- Acceso a todos los archivos. Access to all files
About María Jesús Molina Cimadevila
I am a vet with 3 children, 3 dogs and thousands of fishes.
I write about animals and science.