A Penny Spinning

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essays on art & writing

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Essays on art & writing.

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Emmalea Russo 🗡

Cosmic Edges

cosmic edgelady writing on art and the cosmos

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Cup of Stars logo
Carmen Maria Machado

Cup of Stars

Inconstant essays, nostalgia, big feelings, writing thoughts, food, rage.

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Auraist: picking the best-written books of the month logo
Picking the best-written books

Auraist: picking the best-written books of the month

32K+ readers. Followers, please note that only free or paid subscribers receive our picks of the best-written books from US & UK prize shortlists & major reviews, & masterclasses by their (sometimes world-renowned) authors on prose style.

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Shayne Terry

The Next Novel

An almost real-time account of one novel's creation.

A Cloud in Trousers logo
Nadia Bailey

A Cloud in Trousers

It's mostly about food.