Writing, Leora, Cartoons
UNLIKELY ANIMALS (out now @randomhouse US and @hodderbooks UK). also wrote RABBIT CAKE. Wannabe cartoonist. Co-host of @HTSYpod. Mom of Leora & Willie.
Exciting Lez Content for Tired Gen Xers / Stuff I'm Reading & Thinking About / Drawings of Sad Things That Make You Go Hmm
This is the home of two newsletters. Paid subscribers get Cheryl's Dear Sugar Letter monthly, plus her free newsletter several times a year, which includes her "Tells Us" author series. Free subscribers get everything but the monthly Dear Sugar Letter.
Join award-winning novelist and writing teacher Michelle Hoover with tips and special guests for your morning writing wake up call, with a range of author interviews and writing challenges to help you get a new project going and keep you in your chair.
One small step for woman, one giant leap for...never mind. Enough with the baby steps.