A newsletter about nothing and everything.
Writer & journalist • Good at writing emails, bad at replying to them
The number of free subscribers for A-Mail over time since it was added to the directory.
Helping writers earn millions of pounds in commissions since 2018. Calls for pitches, creative submissions, freelance and part-time writing jobs. All UK-based. Compiled by Sian Meades-Williams.
... and other lessons I've failed to learn. A newsletter about independence, responsibility and how to let go of shouldering it all
A podcast about the shadowy and powerful forces lurking beneath the surface of culture and the media, with Emilie Friedlander and Andrea Domanick. New episodes drop every two weeks, with a monthly bonus episode and other goodies for paid subscribers.
Funny, deep, relatable stories from a dad to two, husband to one, friend to all (except himself who he doesn't like v much but is working on it but like how can you really like yourself knowing everything you know about yourself, you know?)
A free cartoon hits your inbox every Tuesday + stories from my sketchbook that prove being a New Yorker cartoonist & comedian in Manhattan is exactly as unhinged as you'd imagine.