For the next 5 years I will be writing about favorite films and songs. I have a list of 260 favorite songs, 260 favorite films. In addition, there are film reviews, physical media features and guest contributors! Be sure to visit
RT-approved film writer/podcaster (director's club + chicago film critics association), librarian, musician, creator of 5 Years - all about favorite films + music, both old and new! guest authors, physical media reviews. I wear many hats, literally
Creative-minded community and cultural catharsis. Full of feminism and always algorithm-free.
Deeper into movies (and a little TV). Essays, reviews, conversation. Past and present. From the editors of The Dissolve.
Jeff Tweedy shares songs, advice, general musings, and whatnot...
Digging into iconic and obscure rock albums with weekly podcasts, 'History of the Band' articles, and new music reviews
A writing coach exploring life through essays, interviews, tips, and raw vulnerability. Paid subscribers can DM me with writing questions, peek at my memoir-in-progress, and get your name featured on the SUPPORTERS page of my published memoir.