Sell digital products
on your Substack

  • Sell eBooks, guides, videos or other digital products directly on your Substack.
  • Make money from readers who love your content but prefer a one-time purchase over a subscription.

Simple, fast and secure Checkout

Designed to reduce friction and maximize your sales.

We are not stealing you readers's attention. No accounts, recommendations or other distractions. Our goal is to convert.

Connect your Stripe account

Don't waste time on managing a seperate payment platform.

All transactions on Sidestack are processed through your existing Stripe account that you already use with Substack.

Ready to give Sidestack a try?

Start selling eBook, guide, video, or audio files in seconds!

I've been managing my Substack/Discord flow manually for almost 3 years and it was a pain in the a**!
I’ve been waiting for a service that does this for a long time!
Saves me at least 1-2 hours each day where I can focus more on my articles and Discord community!