Written by Ashley Williams

Substack + Discord: The Ultimate Combo for Creator Monetization

As a creator, you're always looking for ways to grow your income and build a sustainable business around your passion. While Substack's subscription model is a powerful tool for monetizing your content, did you know that combining it with a Discord community can unlock even more potential for your business?

In this article, we'll explore how Substack and Discord can work together to enhance your subscription offering, diversify your income streams, and help you build a thriving creator business. We'll also look at real-world examples of creators who have successfully leveraged this powerful combo.

Enhancing Your Substack Subscriptions with Discord

Discord is more than just a chat app – it's a versatile platform for building engaged, loyal communities around your brand. By creating a Discord server for your Substack subscribers, you can:

Monetization Strategies Beyond Subscriptions

While subscriptions are a fantastic baseline, Substack and Discord together open up even more opportunities for creators to monetize their expertise and audience. Here are a few strategies to consider:

  1. Sponsored content and partnerships: Your engaged Discord community can be incredibly valuable to brands looking to reach your niche audience. Consider partnering with relevant companies to create sponsored content, host sponsored events or discussions on Discord, or offer exclusive brand deals to your subscribers.

  2. Affiliate marketing: Share affiliate links for products and services you genuinely recommend to your Discord community. You can create a dedicated "resources" channel to organize these recommendations and earn a commission on any sales generated through your unique links.

  3. Courses and coaching: Use your Discord server to host paid workshops, masterminds, or group coaching sessions related to your area of expertise. You can also offer one-on-one coaching or consulting services to your most engaged subscribers, using Discord's voice or video chat for sessions.

  4. Merchandise and digital products: Create branded merchandise or digital products (like e-books, templates, or presets) that align with your niche and promote them to your Discord community. You can offer exclusive discounts or early access to your subscribers to incentivize sales.

Case Studies: Creators Thriving with Substack and Discord

To illustrate the potential of combining Substack and Discord for monetization, let's look at a few real-world examples of creators who have found success with this strategy:

  1. The Reversion: This Substack newsletter and Discord community run by Anthony offers paying subscribers access to Q&A sessions, life workshops and an exclusive book club.

  2. TraderHC: TraderHC uses Substack to distribute their trading strategy and Discord to offer a community of traders a place to learn, discuss, and share their strategies.

Putting It All Together

If you're ready to take your creator business to the next level, consider integrating Discord into your Substack monetization strategy. By offering exclusive perks, fostering deeper connections, and exploring additional revenue streams, you can create a more valuable and sustainable business that supports your passion and expertise.

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Set up your Discord server: Create a server specifically for your Substack subscribers, and use channels and roles to organize your content and perks.

  2. Integrate with your Substack: Use a tool like Sidestack to automatically sync your Discord roles with your Substack subscriber list, ensuring that only paying members have access to exclusive benefits.

  3. Engage and listen to your community: Regularly interact with your subscribers on Discord, seeking feedback and ideas for new content, products, and services that meet their needs and interests.

  4. Experiment with different monetization strategies: Start by implementing one or two additional perks, like exclusive channels or Q&A sessions, and track your results. Adjust and expand your efforts based on what resonates with your audience.

Remember, building a thriving creator business takes time and experimentation. By consistently providing value to your community and seeking out new opportunities to serve them, you'll be well on your way to a sustainable and fulfilling career as a creator.

Create a Discord Server for your paying
Substack subscribers

Create a Discord Server for your paying Substack subscribers

  • Create exclusive Discord channels and experiences for your paying subscribers.
  • Automatically keeps track of any subscription changes and cancellations.
  • Boost conversion by adding additional value to your Substack subscription.
  • Increase retention of your existing subscribers.

Loved by 15,000+ Substack subscribers

I've been managing my Substack/Discord flow manually for almost 3 years and it was a pain in the a**!
I’ve been waiting for a service that does this for a long time!
Saves me at least 1-2 hours each day where I can focus more on my articles and Discord community!