Queer reflections on Christian spirituality and current events by author, activist, and theologian Rev. Brandan Robertson.
Brandan Robertson is a progressive Christian author, activist, and pastor who writes at the intersections of spirituality and social renewal.
929 chapters, 42 months, daily reflections: Join R. Amichai’s 3+ years interactive online quest to question, queer + re-read between the lines of the entire Hebrew Bible, with daily reflections, weekly videos and monthly learning zooms. 2022-2025
Observations from a life of looking by the author and journalist Cathleen Falsani
The popular newsletter from writer Sarah Bessey with exclusive essays, the books worth reading, good things, special devotional series, theology deep dives, community conversations, and so much more.
Sex & the Queer Christian educates, equips, & builds community among faithful, LGBTQIA+ followers of Christ seeking to live in sex-positive sexual integrity.